Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Sin of the Palate

Anyone who knows me know that i hate (beyond belief), depise, loath, even have an irrational fear of... CEREAL!!! yeah, definitely hate it. I seriously haven't eaten cereal in... how many years... well since i was five--> so like 15 years. Well, my friends have tried to get me to eat a piece- i usually freak out and wanna puke... but they win me over with money...

Well I was watching the Food Network, and Unwrapped was doing a special on Kashi (a whole grain cereal). Later I remembered my friend Aimee eats Kashi with honey. I love whole grains cuz they just taste better to me. For once in my life i was tempted with cereal. The food of the Crazies... the devil's playmate... the scum between my toes... it had invaded my perfect dislike of "cereal" and turned it into a possibility...

I know right- those who know me must be shocked and appalled!! and probably wish they had been there.

It's True... I ate it with honey (thanks Meems) and i like it. I am a fan of whole grain cereals with honey... ahh 15 years of perfection has been compromised by a sin of the Palate.


Anonymous said...

omg jarom...haha! seriously, i totally remember that night you tried a cheerio. ridiculous. but i'm glad you've finally seen the light and realized cereal isn't all that bad :)

ahollandetc said...

i cannot believe you ate cereal! holy cow! good job. actually, remember when i made you try my chex mix?

Katie and joe said...

welcome to the grand world of cereal! haha hayley was in ecuador!

Anonymous said...

Jarom! It's a good thing we are such bosom buddies. Meems introduced me to Kashi with honey and I love it, e'en though I hate cereal:-)You should love me right now!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm maybe my name would be better as 'throw your hands up' haha

A-L said...

Clearly you should just stop watching the Food Network as it is making you compromise all your hard work from the past 15 yrs. :P Kashi is great stuff, so I guess if you were going to like any kind of cereal at all you chose one of the better kinds. Good on ya!